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Automation for Photovoltaic Power Plants


Our specialized team is ready to assist you in the most diverse implementation stages, enabling the correct equipment definition and required project infrastructure.

We offer consulting services in:


  • Requirements for equipment interconnection;

  • UFV data network;

  • Design and execution of the monitoring and control system (SCADA);

  • Supervision of the equipment installation and data network;

  • Supervision of SCADA development;

  • Commissioning.


Evaluation and management of photovoltaic projects (owner's engineering)


Hytron advises future owners of Photovoltaic Solar Power Plants by reviewing basic and executive projects, supervising the civil, mechanical and electrical works on the plant, from the construction schedule to the quality of the materials installed by the EPC.


Our Owner Engineering mode consultancy includes the following services:


  • Basic project;

  • Technical specifications;

  • Executive project and As Built;

  • Construction supervision;

  • Commissioning and Start-Up;

  • Material Sourcing;

  • Verification of the PR (Performance Ratio) of the plant;

  • O&M;

  • Regulatory aspects.


Hytron’s team has worked with several manufacturers and research institutions to implement distributed generation systems using conventional and alternative technologies.


The technologies experienced by Hytron include: gensets fueled by alternative fuels, microturbines, PV plants, small and medium-sized wind turbines, ORC generators and fuel cell systems.


The projects developed have a wide range of installed power, configurations for operation in Stand-Alone, Back-Up and Grid-Tie, as well as supervisory system (SCADA).

Working with numerous partners, we can develop the most appropriate solution for your reality, and provide it in Turn-Key format.


We have the experience to suggest the most adherent solution to diverse realities and to obtain the gains related to energy saving in any process.



Electricity can be understood as a high added value input and fundamental for the industrial activity maintenance, independently of the sector.


Supply reliability and energy quality are factors that directly impact technical and economic performance of most processes. In this way, many factors justify the use of Energy Storage systems.


The applications known as POWER-TO-POWER (storage and redispatch of electricity), are justified by generation seasonality, distinct tariffs and prices of electricity.

In addition to this application, it is possible to use electrical surpluses for the production of energy vectors, such as hydrogen (H2). These applications are defined as POWER-TO-GAS or POWER-TO-CHEMICALS, in case the final application is not energetic.


Whatever the purpose, the electric surplus can be converted into hydrogen using the water electrolysis, or even in methane, produced with the use of electrolytic hydrogen in reaction with carbon dioxide.


Hydrogen produced from surplus electricity can still supply a fleet of fuel cell electric vehicles in an application commonly called POWER-TO-MOBILITY.


Whatever your application, Hytron's technical staff, along with internationally recognized partners, has expertise in energy storage applications involving:


  • RedOx Flow Batteries;

  • Electrolytic hydrogen;

  • Production of methane through the Sabatier process;

  • Other alternative technologies.


Whether application alone or connected to the grid, energy storage systems can impact the reliability and energy quality of your production process.

Armazenamento de Energia


In addition to Hydrogen Refueling Stations, fundamental for hydrogen-in-mobility applications, our team has years of experience in the integration and demonstration of fuel cell power systems.


Fuel cells are devices capable of converting the fuel energy potential (ie, the energy contained in the chemical bonds of a fuel) directly into electricity.


As well as electrolyzers, fuel cells are also electrochemical devices differentiated by the type of electrolyte, the ionic conducting medium used by the equipment.

Among many types of fuel cells, PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) technology must be featured. It is used in electric vehicles fueled by hydrogen and, in specific cases, used for stationary power generation with the use of hydrogen-rich gas from reformers.


In these applications, fuel cells are a technological alternative for distributed generation of energy, with advantages such as low noise and low emissions.


Another outstanding technology is the Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC). This technology operates at temperatures around 600°C, with high potential for cogeneration and with capacity to be fueled directly by natural gas or biogas, in systems from hundreds of kW to tens of MW.


In addition, MCFC technology can be used to capture carbon dioxide in industrial effluents (such as air emissions from thermal power plants), providing CO2 for industrial applications or for permanent storage (CCS - Carbon Capture and Storage or EOR - Enhanced Oil Recovery), concomitantly with power generation.


Hytron has partnered with several manufacturers worldwide to carry out many fuel cell systems integration and demonstration projects in stationary generation and energy storage, either electrically isolated or integrated into the grid.

Celulas a combustivel


ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) generators are capable to produce electricity from waste heat. They consist of stationary power generators responsible for energy cogeneration with no additional fuel costs.


It is an incipient technology in Brazil and can bring energy savings to your process.


ORC is equivalent to cogeneration using steam (Rankine Cycle), differing by the working fluid. Instead of water, the ORC generator uses an organic fluid suitable for the application.

This technology enables the cogeneration of electricity even for thermal effluents below 100°C, in reduced scales and without additional fuel costs.


Hytron ORC technology operates in a wide range of temperatures, with single train capacities up to 100 kWe and distinct condensing solutions.


Contact us to know the cogeneration potential of your application. Bring savings to your process with ORC generators.



Concerning photovoltaic generation, Hytron coordinated the research project that gave rise to the Solar Tanquinho Power Plant, with an installed power of 1,100 kWp, located in the city of Campinas and belonging to the company CPFL Renováveis.


We also designed the solar plant at Parque Cândido Portinari, with 520 kWp, in the city of São Paulo. Like these, the company also participates in other projects related to the distributed generation of electricity, since 2003.


All this knowledge and accumulated experience accredite Hytron as a safe and reliable partner option. The demands brought by the new regulations of the electric sector require professionals with expertise in technical and regulatory aspects, in order to provide the best solutions for each client.

  • Approval of ANEEL (Ch13) and mini generation projects;

  • Owner's engineering;

  • Consulting and installation of supervision systems;

  • Commissioning of photovoltaic installations;

SISTEMAS fotovoltaicos
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